Getting started with Trips

Welcome to Trips, KAYAK's solution for having your travel itineraries readily accessible from home, office and on the road.

  • Forward your booking confirmations from your email address to and we'll create a travel itinerary for you. If there is not already a KAYAK account associated with that email, we'll create an account and send an account verification email to that address. Click on "confirm" and you're good to go.

    To see your trips, click on "Trips" located at the top right of every page in the web version of KAYAK. On mobile devices, Trips is one of the home screen options along with Flights, Stays, etc.

    If you have more than one email address that you want to forward booking confirmations from, add the other emails as “senders” in the section labelled “Booking receipts” on the Trips Settings page.

    Trips does not support booking receipts sent directly from providers. Booking receipts must be forwarded by you, from your email account.

  • Have a smart phone? Download the KAYAK mobile app so that you can access your trip itineraries on the road. Once the app is downloaded, make sure to visit the Trips Settings page and add your mobile phone number to receive SMS flight status alerts.

    Flight status alert emails are sent by default to the email address associated with the KAYAK account. Flight alerts can be turned off at the trip level from trips details. Trips that have flight alerts enabled are denoted with the alarm icon "on". KAYAK sends alerts for the following: 24hr check-in reminder, 3hr on-time departure, flight delay and cancellation notifications, gate and terminal changes, connection information, on-time arrival and baggage claim information.

  • Share Trips with other people. By default your trips can be seen only by you. They are not searchable and cannot be found or accessed by anyone that has not been given a link.

    If you are planning a trip with someone, or visiting someone that could benefit from knowing your travel plans, you can grant them access to just that Trip. This is done by clicking on “share this Trip“ in the top summary section of a Trip. When you share a Trip with someone, you can decide whether or not to grant them view or edit access. Granting other people edit access to a Trip is a way to collaborate on Trip plans when more than one person, family or group is involved.

    If there is someone that you want to share all of your Trips with, then add their email address to the section labelled “Share new Trips with...” on the Trips Settings page. You can decide whether or not to grant them view or edit access.

  • Add your Trips to your calendar. From the Trips Settings page, copy your calendar feed link and then follow the instructions for how to add the link to your calendar application.

Trips FAQs
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