Wormholes! Space exploration! Michael Caine!

Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar is a biiiiig movie drama set to light up the galaxy this November. Its story about interstellar space migration will inspire and delight you.

But what do you do after the film’s finished?

Space migration’s an attractive idea but a bit tricky when you’re on a budget.

Never fear, Cheapflights is here. Keep reading for seven tips that’ll help would-be cosmonauts looking to recreate Interstellar within the terrestrial confines of Earth’s breathable atmosphere.

1. Ride into space

Rollercoasters are our best simulation of what hurtling into space is like. The most famous space-themed coaster is, of course, Space Mountain – a ride which doesn’t actually go into space and isn’t a mountain, but doesn’t let you dwell on that for a moment.

The original version of Space Mountain in the Magic Kingdom in Florida was soon followed by the Californian Disneyworld copy, while the Hong Kong and Paris Disneylands got their own versions. Our favourite is the one in Paris which is based on the works of sci-fi author Jules Verne, giving a steam-punk flavour to the so-called Mission 2.

Le départ de Space Mountain #disneyland #spacemountain

A video posted by Nicolas (@le_pti_nico) on

Although space-themed rollercoasters are the closest approximation to Interstellar, we recognize that many CF readers don’t like being hurled around at unnatural g-forces in the dark. Let’s look at something calmer…

2. Stare at space outdoors

Living in a city, all you can see is a grey orange murk when you look up at night. For an Interstellar experience, head to a less-populated area where the gazillions of stars surrounding Earth are given a chance to dazzle you.

Dark sky parks are being increasingly acknowledged around the world, places where the lack of civilization’s gaudiness enables the blanket of stars above us to shine through.

Bathe in starlight #DarkSkyPark #TheHeadlands #MilkyWay #Columba #UMa #infinite @puremichigan

A photo posted by Ryan Achtman (@ryan_achtman) on

3. Stare at space indoors

What if you don’t have time to go camping – you’ve got five kids to feed and time is money. Take them to your local planetarium instead. These beacons of astronomical delight have been enthralling and educating all over the world for decades.

We especially like the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre in Vancouver.

4. Stare at glowworms

So far we’ve covered the whole thrusting motion of interstellar space travel and the star stuff, but what about the wormholes? Well, seeing as wormholes are theoretical, we’ll just make do with the worm aspect.

For an experience where worms recreate a galaxy of stars, head to New Zealand where glowworms can be found living in caves. The most iconic are the Waitomo Glowworm Caves, where visitors take a raft through an underground lake as thousands of the little blighters hang above with their bioluminescent rumps mimicking a tapestry of stars.

Australia also has several glowworm attractions, while Dismals Canyon in Alabama is home to a similarly shining species, the so-called dismalites.

5. Relax in a flotation tank

Want to feel the weightlessness of space, but in an environment safer than an airless vacuum? Try a floatation tank.

Beloved by hippies everywhere, floatation tanks reduce the sensory stimuli you’re exposed to and let your mind wander, often with surprising results. Floaters claim they feel like they’re floating in space, or returning to the sensations of being in the womb, as well as all sorts of other high weirdness.

You can find floatation tank specialists all over the world, but they’re especially popular in California where people are all over whatever spacey experience they can get their hands on.

6. Visit a space exhibition

If you’re scared of the dark, then pretty much all the above options aren’t for you. Don’t worry though, nyctophobic friend, you still have options. If it’s simply the chance to wallow in space technology and the achievements of mankind, many science museums around the world offer fantastic exhibitions all about the cosmos.

#sciencemuseumlondon the big escalator!! A photo posted by Emma ♡ (@emlouise___) on

The Canada Aviation and Space Museum offers many exhibits and daily activities including ejection seat demonstrations, a cockpit interpretation centre, flight simulators and more.

In Washington, DC, the Smithsonian’s massive National Air and Space Museum offers a shower of free permanent exhibitions too, replete with proper space shuttles that have been and come back.

The Cite des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris is the largest science museum in Europe and has two permanent exhibitions about space. Our personal pick is The Great Story of the Universe – it manages to convey that feeling of just how epic the universe really is.

7. Just watch the Windows 95 screensaver

Perhaps, dear reader, you’re pushed for time and you need some Interstellar action before you finish this very article. No problem! We’ve got you covered with our final option.

Just load up the old-school screensaver from Windows 95 below – or perhaps it was even Windows 3.1? Either way, it’s ancient now and yet still totally cosmic.

(Feature image: Hubble Heritage)

About the author

Adam ZulawskiAdam is a freelance writer and Polish-to-English translator. He blogs passionately about travel for Cheapflights and runs TranslatingMarek.com. Download his free e-book about Poland's capital after it was almost completely destroyed by the Nazis: 'In the Shadow of the Mechanised Apocalypse: Warsaw 1946'

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