
Airports Near Disneyland

There are several choices when it comes to finding airports near Disneyland. Our Airports Nearby Guide can help you determine which airport is closest to your destination.

Long Beach Airport (LGB)
Long Beach airport doesn’t have direct bus service to the resort, but it is only 14 miles away from Disneyland. By renting a car and taking the main exit from the airport, you will eventually roll onto Ball Road. This street runs directly to Disneyland.

John Wayne Airport (SNA)
John Wayne Airport is located in Santa Ana, California, 35 miles south of Los Angeles. It is also about 14 miles from Disneyland, and offers a few different shuttle options.

Ontario International Airport (ONT)
This airport, located in San Bernardino County, is within driving distance to Disneyland. Take I-10 West to the Orange Freeway South, which leads to Anaheim and the resort.

These airports along with LAX are good arrival points for Disneyland. Compare flights to Disneyland today, and get the best deal.

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About the author

Brittany DietzBrittany has travelled to London, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Mexico, The Caribbean, Canada and all over the U.S. She's passionate about travel and has big plans for future trips! Brittany is a Content and Social Media Executive at Cheapflights.

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