
Airports Near Palm Springs

There are several choices when it comes to finding airports near Palm Springs. Our Airports Nearby Guide can help you determine which airport is closest to your destination.

Palm Springs Regional (PSP)
To get to and from the airport take Exit I-10 at Gene Autry Trail (Palm Drive). Turn right at Ramon Avenue and then right at Kirk Douglas Way and head for the airport entrance. Taxis and rental cars are available for transportation.

Ontario International Airport (ONT)
To reach Palm Springs from Ontario International your best bet is to rent a car. The airport is about an hour and fifteen minute drive from Palm Springs.

McClellan-Palomar (CLD)
CLD is the farthest of our Airports nearby Palm Springs. You would definitely want to rent a car and the drive is going to be about 2 hours to Palm Springs from Carlsbad.

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Featured image: Cristian Bortes

About the author

Ryan ClareRyan has traveled to more than 15 countries including Canada, France, Austria and Spain. He has an insatiable curiosity that manifests in a knack for travel. He hopes to travel to every continent and experience as many cites and cultures as possible.

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