
Airports Near San Francisco

Here are our best options for airports near San Francisco:

San Francisco International (SFO)

San Francisco International Airport is about 13 miles south of the city

Oakland International Airport (OAK)

Oakland International Airport is in the center of the Bay Area

San Jose International Airport (SJC)

San Jose International Airport is about 3 miles northwest of San Jose

All airports offer shuttles, taxis, rental cars, and public transportation. From both Oakland and San Jose you can connect to BART to go into San Francisco.

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Featured image: Takashi Hososhima

About the author

Ryan ClareRyan has traveled to more than 15 countries including Canada, France, Austria and Spain. He has an insatiable curiosity that manifests in a knack for travel. He hopes to travel to every continent and experience as many cites and cultures as possible.

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