
What’s on your mind when you travel? Sure, you want to see the sights… but sometimes those sights are sitting right across the aisle from you in 16C. So what do you do? A.) Instantly regret your baggy sweatpants, compression socks-and-sandal combo and avoid direct eye contact. B.) Give him or her a coy look and settle in for a movie. OR C.) Send the sexy stranger a drink and start doing some rudimentary mental measurements of the airplane bathroom. More people may be choosing C.) than you might think.

We surveyed more than 1,000 Canadians on their love, lust and hooking up habits while on the road. Do you flirt more when you’re in vacation mode? Would you hook up with someone you met during your travels? Are you up for joining the infamous Mile High Club? Or, have you already? – Your secret’s safe with us… 😉

Flying the (very) friendly skies

We’ve seen the bathroom on most commercial flights, and there isn’t a lot of room to err, stretch. But joining the Mile High Club (bragging rights for getting it on at 30,000 feet) remains an elusive box to check on the bucket lists of many Canadian fliers with 28 per cent interested in pursuing membership (41 per cent of men vs. 16 per cent of women). And, as for those who can say they’ve done it, 8 per cent of men and 2 per cent of women lay claim to the distinction.

Respect your elders

While 41 per cent of respondents aged 25-35 aspire to this high-flying feat, 8 per cent already have. But don’t count out the older set just yet. Ten per cent of senior citizens surveyed also hope to get some on-board lovin’, and 1.5 per cent of those over 65 have been there, done that.

Not single, but still ready to mingle

Would you believe 15 per cent of Canadians have pretended to be single while travelling? Better to believe us than that hottie by the pool with the ring tan: Men are more than twice as likely as women to fib about their relationship status on vacation (21 per cent vs. 9 per cent).

True romance

But don’t let that discouraging stat deter you from using your vacay as your personal Tinder buffet. A vacation fling could be the real thing — we have the proof. More than half of those surveyed (51 per cent) said they would be open to dating someone they met on a trip, and 13 per cent of Canadians have had a vacation fling turn into a real relationship (17 per cent of men vs. 8 per cent of women).

Get away to get it on

There’s just something about a hotel room that makes you feel a little bit sexier. Maybe it’s the anonymity or the fact that you aren’t responsible for changing the sheets. Either way, 47 per cent of Canadians are more in the mood when they travel (54 per cent of men vs. 41 per cent of women). But why keep it only in the bedroom? You’re there to fully experience a new place, after all. Whether it’s a secluded strip of sandy beach or some other undisclosed location, 29 per cent of Canadians have made love somewhere unconventional while travelling (35 per cent of men vs. 24 per cent of women).

What’s in your carry-on?

Like you were taught as a kid, it’s best to always be prepared. At least 24 per cent of Canadians took that advice to heart (and libido) and admit to packing (or purchasing) something to spice up a vacation romance. That number climbs to 29 per cent among those under 25.

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About the author

Amanda FestaAmanda is a Boston-based writer who loves to travel and believes planning her next adventure is half the fun. Amanda is a Content and Social Media Executive at Cheapflights.

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