Picture this. You’ve just begun your vacation in the beautiful city of Montreal. The sights, the sounds, and, of course, the food – it’s hard not to feel enamoured. What’s more, you’ve also discovered that delicious cocktails go REALLY well with the sights, the sounds, and, of course, the food. It may only be the first day of your trip, but you’re celebrating as if it’s the last.

Cut to the next morning. Your head hurts, your eyes refuse to open and your mouth feels like a literal desert. Face it, you’re officially hungover. This spells bad news for the remainder of your vacation, right? Rest easy! With our handy guide on doing Montreal on a hangover, you can forget spending the day cocooned in a duvet and embrace what the city has to offer.

But, first. Coffee – Cafe Olimpico

Let’s be honest, breakfast may not be a viable option at this point. Caffeine, on the other hand? There’s no better way to get your ‘hangover day’ off to a better start than an Americano or two (apart from a couple of Advil, of course). Cafe Olimpico can be found nestled in the heart of Montreal’s Mile End district. With a welcoming ambiance and a menu that’s delectably sweet and simple (no one wants to make decisions when they are hungover), you’ll forget the fact that you can’t remember getting back to your hotel last night and revel in caffeine heaven.

Brunch – L’GROS LUXE

With all that caffeine consumption and a light stroll, you’re likely to be feeling slightly more human. At this point, your body will be craving the ultimate defence against a hangover: grease. But fret not if you’re still feeling a little sluggish – you won’t need to travel too far for a delicious brunch. Enter L’GROS LUXE. Handily located in Mile End, this cool eaterie is on hand to meet all your brunch and hair of the dog needs. To eat, try the Huevos Rancheros (eggs, tortillas, salsa: say no more). And to drink, look no further than Canada’s favourite ‘day after’ beverage, the Caesar. You can even take things up a notch with the Walter Craft Caesar Mix, packed full of ‘hangover-friendly’ natural ingredients and various garnish options (including grilled cheese, believe it or not.) It’s basically a meal in itself.

Spa – Bota Bota

After a heavy night, your desire to relax and be pampered is at an all-time high. If a spa treatment or two is your go-to ‘hangover busting’ option, check out the unique Bota Bota. Set in a converted ferry that floats on the St. Laurence River, this gorgeous spa offers breathtaking views of the Montreal skyline while you bask in the glory of a refreshing facial or a soothing massage. With some treatments even choreographed to live harp music, every inch of this spa says “stop feeling guilty about last night and come relax with with us instead.”

Sight seeing (and some light shopping) – Old Montreal

Okay, so you’re half way to feeling yourself again. Now you’re feeling a bit more alive, taking to the streets is a great way to experience the sights of Montreal first hand. And if an afternoon’s sightseeing can be incorporated with some light shopping, who are we to argue? The best spot to combine the two is Old Montreal, with its charming cobblestone streets and array of popular shops. Beyond shopping and aesthetic appreciation, Old Montreal is also home to some great galleries and cafes which are well worth a visit. If there was ever a time to share your vacation with an Instagram post, now would be it.

Poutine – Garde Manger

By this point, you’re probably going to want to refuel. And what would a trip to Montreal be without indulging in the cities signature dish – poutine, a tasty concoction of french fries, cheese and gravy. Conveniently located on a side street in Old Montreal, Garde Manger offers seafood-focused grub from head chef Chuck Hughes. If you’re questioning how seafood can tie in with poutine, one bite of the lobster poutine will provide all the answers. So famous that some travellers (particularly foodies) plan their entire trip to Montreal around the dish, the generously sized portions are guaranteed to combat your mid-afternoon lull.

Gallery – DHC/ART

Now that you’ve satisfied your poutine curiosity, it’s time to ‘up the culture stakes’ and appreciate all the spectacular art Montreal has to offer. First things first, head to the DHC/ART, a small but memorable gallery located in Old Port. With its museum atmosphere, the juxtaposition between the historical building and the modern contemporary art on display makes this gallery a cut above the rest.

Dinner (and, eventually, drinks) – Le Fantome

Located in the trendy Griffintown area of Montreal, chefs at Le Fantome like to mix the everyday with the gourmet. After successfully surviving the hangover from hell, sampling the adventurous menu is the perfect way to expand your culinary horizons. Try their decadent peanut butter and jelly sandwich assembled on brioche bread and layered with foie gras (a.k.a. the PBJFG). And if you’re feeling particularly brave, celebrate the end of your hangover with an alcoholic beverage (wine, cocktails, beer – you name it).

But be careful, or you’ll be waking up in your hotel room needing to consult this guide again before you know it!

Know any other hangover friendly activities in Montreal? Let us know in the comments.

About the author

Nicole RashotteIn addition to travel writing, Nicole creates content for several startups in the fashion, tech and corporate world. When not writing or doing community management, Nicole can be found forcing her dog into cuddles and Instagram photos, and searching for the perfect green tea.

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