What do you need to know when you book with Cheapflights.ca? Well, the first and most obvious thing is that you’ll be booking the cheapest flight (for your preferred route, date and time) on the web. You’re welcome. But we understand that you might have other questions, queries and reservations if you’ve just stumbled across us for the first time. So let us introduce ourselves.

We’re Cheapflights.ca, your go-to site for flights, hotels, car rentals and vacation deals. And we’re not just some yellow-branded faceless site. We’re a bunch of passionate, techy travel folk, whose aim is to make it easy for you to get the best deal on your travels. When you search for a flight with us, we work at super speed to scour the internet for the best prices, saving you A LOT of time when planning your holiday. But how does it all work? Read on to find out…

What exactly happens when I find my flights on Cheapflights?

You’ve come, you’ve searched, you’ve conquered. You’ve found that bargain flight. But wait. You’ve clicked and all of a sudden you are on a different website – how can this be!?

Well, we’re a flight comparison service, so when you hit the ‘Search flights’ button on our homepage, we start to search the internet for the cheapest prices for your selected route and date and then display them on our results page. Still confused? Just think of us as a super-speedy middleman who cuts out all the lengthy searching you would normally have to do on your own by displaying all the possible options, from all the other websites, all in one place. Once we’ve found you the perfect flight, then we’ve done our job and can send you onto the site that’ll allow you to get booking.

I can’t find what I am looking for online. Can I call Cheapflights for a quote?

Sorry, no can do. Cheapflights is a travel search website, not a travel agent, so we don’t sell flights, hotels and car rentals, we only help you find them. When you search with us, the prices we display from our partners are the ones currently available on their website.

What’s included in the flight price shown on Cheapflights?

So you’ve found a great price, but what does that include? The prices you see on Cheapflights should include all mandatory fees. However, you’ll need to check non-mandatory fees such as seat allocation, baggage and meals before you book your flight with your chosen airline or travel agent. These fees normally show up as you go through the process of booking and paying for your flight. We can’t display them straight away, simply because we don’t know your luggage, seating and other flying preferences.

Does Cheapflights process my payment?

So you’ve done it. You’ve taken the leap and purchased those flights. You may be wondering where your money goes. As a flight search engine, we are just the tool to help you find what you are looking for. After that, it is the travel agent or airline that’ll process your payment. Cheapflights do not have access to your payment details or your money.

Does Cheapflights have my booking and flight details?

One you’ve paid, the travel agent or airline that you booked with should send you everything you need. Again, as we are simply the middleman, we do not have access to your contact, booking or flight details.

I haven’t received my booking confirmation. Can Cheapflights send me it?

If you haven’t received your booking confirmation within 24 hours, we recommend you get in touch with the agent or airline that you booked with (if you are unsure who this is, take a look at your bank statement – the name of the company will be on there). Unfortunately, we do not have access to your details.

I don’t know who I booked my flight with. How can I find out?

Picture the scene. You think to yourself, “Oh this short Canadian summer, I’d much rather be sunning myself in Florida… I wonder how much flights are.” You look around. The boss is away from his or her desk. You close that Excel Spreadsheet and search for flights on Cheapflights.ca. And then you see it. Roundtrip flights for less than $300. “How is that even possible? I’ve got to book it.” And in what seems like a blur of frantic clicking, that flight to Fort Lauderdale is yours. But, wait… if Cheapflights isn’t an airline, then who the heck did you book with?

It’s easily done. And it’s also easy to find out who you are actually travelling with. First off, check your emails (including your spam and junk mail). You should have a booking confirmation with all the info you need. Still struggling? Take a look at your bank statement. The name of the company will be on there.

What should I do if I am having issues with my booking?

We trust our partners, but sometimes things go wrong. If you have an issue with your booking, you should contact the travel agent or airline that you booked with directly in the first instance. Saying that, we’re always here if you are having issues resolving the problem. Just click the link below to contact us, email us at support@freshdesk.cheapflights.com or give us a shout on Facebook and Twitter. Unfortunately, when it comes to making changes to your booking or cancellations, it is outwith our control but we can do our best to help you out.

Now we’ve covered all that, let’s see if we can find you some cheap flights, shall we?

About the author

Kirsten McCroskrieWhen she’s not planning her next adventure, you’ll find Kirsten listening to Scottish Indie bands, trying out new vegetarian recipes or bingeing the latest Netflix drama. Having grown up by the sea, she feels most at home when she’s back by the coast, but for now, you’ll find her in exploring her new home city of Berlin – one coffee shop at a time.

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